Voices from the Forest India
June 15, 2023

All across India, non-timber forest produce (NTFP) spell a critical source of income for indigenous people and forest dwelling communities.

NTFPs play a crucial role in these peoples’ livelihood and form a key incentive to conserving India’s forests of. Moreover, NTFPs are woven in the social and cultural fabric of communities.

Communities are working with grassroot groups, traders, and government to address the challenges posed by low productivity, lack of technology, irrational laws, and wide-scale contract-based extraction.

Over years of hard work, inroads are being made. Community-based conservation, management, value addition, and marketing of NTFPs are being successfully practiced.

The film was made possible through the support of the HIVOS Oxfam Novib Biodiversity Fund and MISEREOR.

Produced by NTFP-EP, Gekko Studio and Dusty Foot Productions (2007).
DVD copy (32 mins.)

To request a copy, please send an email or letter with background of your organisation and purpose of the video. We are providing a limited number of free copies to organisations working on similar issues within South and Southeast Asia.

In Manila:
Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme
for South and Southeast Asia
92-A Masikap Extension, Barangay Central, Diliman, Quezon City
1100 The Philippines
Telephone: +63 2 426.2757
Telefax: +63 2 426.2757

In Indonesia:Gekko Studio
Jl. Palem Putri 3 No. 1
Taman Yasmin 5
Bogor, West Java
Indonesia, 16112
Tel: +62 251 8431516
Fax: +62 251 8431516

In India:
Keystone Foundation Inc.
Groves Hill Road
Kotagiri – 643217
The Nilgiris
Tamil Nadu
Tel: +91 4266 272277, 272977
Fax: (91) 4266 272977

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