The database is more than just an online profile of NTFPs. Other interesting and lesser known information in relation to socio-cultural roles, management practices, and specific are recognised.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Family | NTFP Classification | Countries Found | Parts |
kaadu imbi | Atalantia monophylla (Linn.) orr. Serr = Atalantia flroibunda Wt. = Limonia monophylla (Linn.) | Rutaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Crafts and furniture making, Feed, fodder and fuelwood | India | bark, bast fruits roots trunk |
Kaadu kuruppai | Piper nigrum Linn. | Piperaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | India Sri Lanka | |
Kaakai karumba | Persicaria chinesis (L.) Gross = Polygonum chinese Linn. | Polygonaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics | India | leaves, leaflets |
Kaar Kunhai | Olean devoice Roxb. | Oleaceae | Feed, fodder and fuelwood | India | |
KaarKunhai | Olea dioica, Roxb. | Oleaceae | Crafts and furniture making, Other commercial and industrial uses | India | |
Kaasarikai | Sigesbeckia orientalis Linn. | Asteraceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics | India | other |
Kabuyau | Citrus hystrix DC. | Rutaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | fruits |
Kadiin | Columbia lanceolata Warb. | Tiliaceae | Philippines | bark, bast | |
kadukai | Terminalia chebula Retz. | Combretaceae | India | bark, bast fruits | |
Kaiguri | Helicteres isora Linn. | Sterculiaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Feed, fodder and fuelwood, Other commercial and industrial uses | India | bark, bast fruits stems other pod |
Kainai | Wendlandia thyrsoidea (Roemer & Schultes) Steudel = Wendlandia notoniana Wall. Canthium thysoide | Rubiaceae | India | ||
Kakaag | Commersiona bartrama (L.) Merr. | Sterculiaceae | Exudates and extracts, Crafts and furniture making, Other commercial and industrial uses | Philippines | bark, bast |
Kal athi | Ficus talbotii King | Moraceae | Ornamental plants | India | |
Kalaboa | Ottelia alismoides Pers. | Hydrocharritaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | fruits leaves, leaflets |
Kalapini | Pluchea indica Linn. | Compositae | A small shrub 1-4m in height. The leaves are 1-7cm long and widest toward the tip, which is slightly pointed; the base a narrows to a point; the margin is toothed. The flowers are light blue and are in dense heads arranged in compact inflorescence at the ends of branches. The fruit is minute and crowned with white hairlike projections |