This database aims to become a comprehensive source of data on non-timber forest products in the South and Southeast region. It showcases those NTFPs in the six countries where EP partners have a presence, namely India, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia.

The database is more than just an online profile of NTFPs. Other interesting and lesser known information in relation to socio-cultural roles, management practices, and specific are recognised.

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Common Name Scientific Name Family NTFP Classification Countries Found Parts
Kalbang Schizostachyum textorium (Blanco) Merr. Poaceae Other commercial and industrial uses Philippines stems
Kale sedi Grewia hirsuta Vahl Tiliaceae Exudates and extracts, Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Crafts and furniture making India roots stems
Kalgedale Sida acuta Burm.f. = Sida caprinifolia Linn. Malvaceae Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Crafts and furniture making India Philippines roots
Kaliat Gnetum spp. Gnetaceae
Kalimatas Phaeanthus ebracteolatus (Presl.) Merr. Annonacea Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Crafts and furniture making Philippines This species is common and widely distributed in the Philippines
Kalingag Cinnamomum mercadoi Vid. Lauraceae Exudates and extracts, Other commercial and industrial uses Philippines bark, bast
Kaliskis-ahas Oleandra neriiformis Cav. Polypodiaceae Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics Philippines other
Kaliso Areca caliso Becc. Arecaceae Exudates and extracts, Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics Philippines fruits resin
Kalitkalit Cissus repens Lam. Vitaceae Philippines stems
Kalomala Elaeocarpus calomala (Blco.) Merr. Elaeocarpaceae Crafts and furniture making Philippines bark, bast
Kaloo Limnophila rugosa (Roth) Merr. Scrophulariaceae Exudates and extracts, Food and food ingredients (plant-derived), Feed, fodder and fuelwood Philippines other
Kalpoosa Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken = Schleichera trijuga Willd. Pistacia oleosa Lour Sapindaceae Feed, fodder and fuelwood India
Kalubkob Eugenia calubcob C. B. Rob. Myrtaceae Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) Philippines fruits
Kalulot Artocarpus rubrovenia Warb. Moraceae Crafts and furniture making Philippines bark, bast
Kalumpang Sterculia foetida Linn. Sterculiaceae Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Crafts and furniture making, Other commercial and industrial uses Philippines seeds
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Green Intermediaries