The database is more than just an online profile of NTFPs. Other interesting and lesser known information in relation to socio-cultural roles, management practices, and specific are recognised.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Family | NTFP Classification | Countries Found | Parts |
Baraibai | Cerbera manghas Linn. | Apocynaceae | Philippines | ||
Barali | Dodonea angustifolia L.f. | Sapindaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics | India | leaves, leaflets |
Bariu | Pandans copelandii Merr. | Pandanaceae | Crafts and furniture making | Philippines | leaves, leaflets |
Bariu-an | Grewia eriocarpa Juss. (G. negrosensis). | Tiliaceae | Crafts and furniture making | Philippines | bark, bast |
Bariuatuat | Tetrastigma loheri Gagnep. | Vitaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | fruits leaves, leaflets |
Batad-bataran | Batad-bataran | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | seeds | |
Batete | Kingiodendron alternifolium Merr. | Leguminosae | Exudates and extracts | Philippines | |
Bating | Castanopsis philippensis Vid. | Fagaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | other |
Bavaceae | Excoecaria crenulata Wt. | Euphorbiaceae | India | resin | |
Bayabas | Psidium guajava L. | Myrtaceae | A small tree reaching a height of about 8 meters. The branches are 4-angled. The leaves are opposite, somewhat hairy, oval, and usually pointed at both ends. The flowers are white, showy, and borne in panicles of from 1-3 flowers. The petals are 1.5-2cm in length. The fruit is rounded, 4-5cm long, and green, turning yellow when ripe. The outer covering is firm and encloses a pink or nearly white, aromatic, edible pulp in which very numerous seeds are embedded | Philippines | fruits |
Bayog | Dendrocalamus merrillianus Elm. | Poaceae (alt. Gramineae) subfamily: Bambusoideae tribe: Bambuseae. | Other commercial and industrial uses | Philippines | |
Bayok-bayokan | Pterospermum niveum Vid. | Sterculiaceae | Exudates and extracts, Other commercial and industrial uses | Philippines | bark, bast |
Bekkil gaasu | Dioscorea oppositifolia Linn. | Dioscoreaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics, Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | India | roots |
Bellai paralei | Lantana wightiana Wallich ex Gamble = Lantana indica Roxb., var abliflora Wt. | Verbenaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics | India | leaves, leaflets roots |
Benglareng | Grewia bilamellata Gagnep. | Tiliaceae | Crafts and furniture making | Philippines | bark, bast |