June 13, 2024 - Events

A Marketing Development Training for Community-based Forest Enterprises partners and government officials in Laos PDR 

Group photo of the participants (photo courtesy of NTFP-EP Asia)

21st to the 23rd of May 2024 – a significant event unfolded in Laos PDR. In partnership with NTFP-EP Philippines, the Association for Rural Improvement and Mobilisation (ARMI), serving as the local implementing partner of NTFP-EP Asia for the “Capacity Building on Enhancing Resilience to Forest Fire and Strengthening Local Livelihood and Market Linkages” in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam (AFOCO CLMV Project), organized a transformative Marketing Development Training.

This training session’s objective was to equip villagers from Pakse District and Bachieng District, Champasak, Laos PDR, with the necessary tools to navigate market landscapes, identify opportunities, and develop effective strategies. The overarching goal was to foster the growth of village-owned enterprises. 

The event drew the participation of 31 individuals, including 10 males and 15 females. However, its impact extended beyond the attendees. Notable figures such as government officials from the Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Office in Paske Capital, as well as representatives from the Bachieng District Agriculture and Forestry Office, were present, emphasizing the collaborative spirit of the gathering. 

Mr. Outhai Vongsa, Focal Person, AFoCO CLMV Project for Laos PDR Government (photo courtesy of NTFP-EP Asia)

Mr. Outhai Vongsa, the Deputy Director of Planning and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Vientiane Capital, and focal person of the government of Laos PDR for the AFoCO CLMV Project, during the opening day of underscored the abundance of resources such as bamboo, rattan, and other materials used in traditional crafts that have the potential for local product development.  

Some of the key takeaways of the participants were learning the basic concepts of market and marketing which included topics of marketing process, strategies such as Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning, and the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion).

SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and Situation Analysis (Company, Collaborators, Customers, Competitors, and Climate), are also conducted. 

Photo courtesy of NTFP-EP Asia

The participants of the three-day Marketing Development Training are expected to produce their own Business model of a marketing-arm managed by the villagers, and a Market Plan and One (1) Year Work Plan.  

This narrative report was created and maintained with the financial support of the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF). Its contents are the sole responsibility of NTFP-EP and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund.  

Source: Didouangphet, S. and Bounzouay, A. 2024. Report on Marketing Development Training. Association for Rural Mobilisation and Improvement. Pakse, Champasak, Laos PDR.    

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