From 9-13 February 2025, partners from Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar, came together for the AFoCO-CLMV Project Assessment and Planning Workshop—an important moment to share and learn on our progress, share country-specific challenges, and map out the road ahead.
Through shared experiences, we learned how our work is impacting forest communities, where we need to improve, and how we can better support local livelihoods. On February 11, the Project Management Committee also met in person to align on priorities and strengthen collaboration.
These exchanges ignite our commitment to building stronger, more resilient communities—ones that can withstand forest fires, thrive sustainably, and create meaningful market opportunities.
The Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme Asia is co-implementing a project with the Asian Forestry Cooperation Organization (AFoCO) on the project entitled “Capacity Building on Enhancing Resilience to Forest Fire, and Strengthening Local Livelihood, and Market Linkages in Cambodia, Lao, Myanmar, and Vietnam (CLMV) Countries”. The workshop was made possible through the support of the ASEAN Forest Cooperation (AFoCO) and the ASEAN-Republic of Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF).
Here’s to linking peoples and forests!
Photo courtesy of Set Sambath, NTFP-EP Cambodia
This narrative is created and maintained with the financial support of the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund (AKCF). Its contents are the sole responsibility of NTFP-EP and do not necessarily reflect the views of the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund.