June 30, 2023 - News

NTFP-EP calls on EU members to enforce crucial deforestation law

NTFP-EP joins over 150 organizations in 40 countries in calling for European Union (EU) governments to take their new obligations under the EU Deforestation Regulation seriously to protect forests around the world and the people who depend on them.

The EU Deforestation Regulation, which took effect on 29 June 2023, is intended to tackle global deforestation and forest degradation that has been exacerbated by consumption in EU states.

The joint statement by the global organizations requests the EU member states to designate one or more “competent authorities” who will be responsible for implementing and enforcing the regulation before the deadline on 30 December 2023. These authorities are required to have “adequate powers, functional independence and the resources” necessary to perform their regulatory functions.

Member states are also asked to ensure national regulatory and institutional frameworks are in place before the regulation becomes binding on commercial actors by 30 December 2024.

The full text of the statement can be read here.

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