This database aims to become a comprehensive source of data on non-timber forest products in the South and Southeast region. It showcases those NTFPs in the six countries where EP partners have a presence, namely India, Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Cambodia.

The database is more than just an online profile of NTFPs. Other interesting and lesser known information in relation to socio-cultural roles, management practices, and specific are recognised.

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Common Name Scientific Name Family NTFP Classification Countries Found Parts
Lima bean or Patani Pithecolobium Leguminosae Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) Philippines seeds
Lima-lima Dioscorea pentaphylla L. Dioscoreaceae Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) Philippines leaves, leaflets roots
Limoncito Triphasia trifolia (Burm.) P. Wills. Rutaceae Philippines fruits
Lipote Eugenia curranii C. B. Rob. Myrtaceae Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) Philippines fruits
Lisid Chonemorpha elastica Merr. Apocynaceae Exudates and extracts Philippines
Lokdo Dryopteris pteroides O. Kuntze. Polypodiaceae Exudates and extracts, Crafts and furniture making Philippines stems
Lopa Bambusa cornuta Munro. Poaceae Philippines
Lumbang Aleurites moluccana (L.) Willd. Euphorbiaceae Exudates and extracts Philippines nuts
Lupi Phragmites karka (Retz) Trin. Poaceae (alt. Gramineae) subfamily: Arundinoideae tribe: Arundineae.
Maaki selai maram Ficus tsjakela Rheede ex Burm.f. Moraceae Exudates and extracts, Feed, fodder and fuelwood India
Maaseegai Kodi Toddalia asiatica (Linn.) Lam. var floribunda Gamble = Toddalia aculeate, Pers. Rutaceae Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics India roots
Mae kottai Ziziphus xylopyrus (Retz.) Willd. = Rhamnus xylopyrus Retz. Rhamnaceae Sri Lanka bark, bast
Magagany Swietenia mahagoni (L.) Jacq. = Cedrela mahagoni Linn. Meliaceae Crafts and furniture making, Other commercial and industrial uses Armenia India
Maguey Agave cantala Roxb. bark, bast
mahua Madhuca longifolia Macbr.. var latifolia (Roxb.) Sapotaceae
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Green Intermediaries