The database is more than just an online profile of NTFPs. Other interesting and lesser known information in relation to socio-cultural roles, management practices, and specific are recognised.
Common Name | Scientific Name | Family | NTFP Classification | Countries Found | Parts |
Panau | Dipterocarpus vernicifluus Blanco | Leguminosae | Exudates and extracts | Philippines | resin |
Pandakaki | Tabernaemontana pandacaqui Poir. | Apocynaceae | Exudates and extracts | Philippines | leaves, leaflets |
pandan | Pandanus tectorius Soland. | Pandanaceae | Crafts and furniture making | Philippines | leaves, leaflets |
Pangi | Pangium edule Reinw. | Flacourtiaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | fruits |
Pangungan | Ximenia Americana L. | Urticaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | Philippines | fruits |
Paparatte | Cassia hirsuta Linn. | Caesalpiniaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics | American Samoa | roots |
Paruka maram | Streblus asper Lour = Epicarpurus orientalis Bl | Moraceae | Crafts and furniture making, Feed, fodder and fuelwood | India | leaves, leaflets |
Pasau na bilog | Corchorus capsularis L. | Tiliaceae | Philippines | ||
Patchouli or Kablin | Pogostemon cablin Benth. | Labiatae | Exudates and extracts, Other commercial and industrial uses | Philippines | leaves, leaflets |
Patha | Cyclea peltata (lamk.) Hook f. & Thomps. | Menispermaceae | Medicinal, aromatics and cosmetics | ||
Patru baji | Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC. | Amaranthaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived) | India | leaves, leaflets |
Payangit | Marsdenia tinctoria R. Br. | Asclepiadaceae | Exudates and extracts | Philippines | leaves, leaflets |
Peanut or Mani | Arachis hypogaea L. | Leguminosae | Exudates and extracts, Food and food ingredients (plant-derived), Other commercial and industrial uses | Philippines | nuts |
Pedada | Sonneratia alba Sm. | Sonneratiaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived), Other commercial and industrial uses | Philippines | fruits, roots |
Pedda-chika | Miliusa velutina Hook.f & Th. | Annonaceae | Food and food ingredients (plant-derived), Feed, fodder and fuelwood | India | fruits, leaves, leaflets, trunk |