NTFP-EP Annual Report 2022
September 12, 2023

The 2022 Annual Report is the second-year report against the 10-year Linking Peoples and Forests Regional Strategy 2021-2030 of the NTFP-EP in Asia towards Rights, Health and Livelihoods.
NTFP-EP’s vision is to see “resilient indigenous peoples and local communities with women and youth in Asia who are respected stewards of healthy forests and who are living securely in their land for
generations to come.”

NTFP-EP’s annual report from 2021 and each year thereafter is intended to provide a yearly synopsis of achievements across the four pathways that reinforce each other; we expect these ripples of result
to accumulate and build up over time into meaningful and long-term impacts.

These accounts shall be shared from across countries where NTFP-EP works—Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam—and across the thematic programs for which NTFP-EP dedicates its resources.

The report shall consider how NTFP-EP influences and effects changes along these four pathways where:

First, communities including women and youth have enhanced voice and agency, and secured land tenure and livelihoods. NTFP-EP endeavors to improve or enhance the condition of the communities, to strengthen their agency, to amplify their visibility, voice and participation, and to provide them with support in securing their land tenure, food security, and livelihoods from their territories. We take
account of how communities in the different countries strengthen community resilience in order to face the accelerating and multiple threats that come their way and empower them to proactively secure
and protect their rights, tenure and culture for generations to come. The involvement of women and youth are highlighted for the key roles that they play in securing their communities’ resilience.

Second, community-based forest conservation has demonstrated and recognized impacts in keeping IPLC-managed forests intact. NTFP-EP focuses on safeguarding the condition of the forests
and natural resources by facilitating the practice and recognition of community-based governance and conservation. The annual report captures community and partners’ actions to influence policies,
cooperation among stakeholders, and accounts of good practice in traditional ecological knowledge as well as new techniques for community-based sustainable resource management and monitoring
of forest health.

Third, culture and indigenous knowledge are sustained by communities and are respected by all stakeholders in policies and practice. The report captures stories of inter-generational transfer of
culture and enhancing the understanding and respect of their rights, indigenous knowledge, systems and practices (IKSPs) and traditional ecological knowledge by other stakeholders. The report also
captures community contributions to sustainable forest management, sustainable development and climate action.

Fourth, gender equality and women’s rights are respected, and women are engaged as equal partners by communities and stakeholders. The report accounts for how NTFP-EP enhances the capacity of women and creates the space for them to be recognized as equal actors in their communities and in society in general; in both private and public spheres. The report provides qualitative accounts of women’s roles and contributions to the valorization and transmission of traditional knowledge and culture; and in livelihoods and sustainable resource management and conservation. The annual report also highlights achievements and significant stories of change within each of the thematic programs of NTFP-EP:

  • Community-based Conservation
  • Indigenous Food and Health
  • Sustainable Climate-Adaptive Community Livelihoods
  • Tenure Rights and Governance
  • Youth Engagement and Empowerment
    and the cross-cutting themes of:
  • Gender-equal Community Agency and Voice
  • Culture and Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practice.

The report also features organizational highlights as part of the strategy for organizational strengthening, communications and knowledge management, and a summary of the finances of the organization for the year 2022.

Finally, the Pastor Rice Small Grant Fund accessed by multiple partners and the organization’s financial highlights are also included in the report.

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